Vineyard churches root their theology in Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom of God, embracing an ‘inaugurated eschatology’ – where God’s beautiful future is breaking into our present experience.
- Partner with the Holy Spirit
- Experience and Worship God
- Engage in compassionate ministry
- Pursue culturally relevant Mission in the world
- Reconcile people with God and all of creation.
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Worshipping Communities
Worship is an environment in which we experience God – so we make it a priority in our gatherings.
Healing Communities
We have always prayed faithfully for the sick – in our church services and in the everyday workplaces and neighborhoods we inhabit.
Biblical Communities
We are committed to the careful study and interpretation of the Bible, and to the faithful preaching of its message.
Outward-Focused Communities
Our churches aim to be outposts of the kingdom of God, bringing hope and help from Jesus to anyone who wants it.
Healthy Communities
We are committed to being churches who practice emotional health through strong relationships.
Multiplying Communities
Most Vineyard churches exist because an individual or team left an existing Vineyard, went to a new location, and started a new congregation.
What The Father Is Doing
In John 5:19, Jesus modeled deep dependence by doing what he saw the Father doing. We want to do the same.
Faith Is Spelled R-I-S-K
John Wimber once said that faith is spelled “R-I-S-K.” We believe that God meets us in our weakness when we obey His leading.